Title: The Guild 2 Complete Genre: Simulation – Strategy – Historical Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player – multi-player Released: September 15, 2006 Company: 4HEAD Studios / THQ Nordic GmbH
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Europe, 1400 A.D. – The last crusade, which started 6 years before, ended in a horrible defeat when the crusaders failed to conquer Nikopolis before being reached by the armies of Osmans and Serbs. The dream of conquering Jerusalem is forgotten, and European authorities are well aware that over the coming centuries, they will be submerged into defending themselves against the Osman forces, which have several outposts in Eastern Europe. The Roman Catholic church is in a state of devastating dispute and intrigue, and uprisings are clearly just around the corner. The Guild 2 is a unique mixture of RPG and life simulation in an immerse middle ages scenario. The player and his party become part of history and can even change it in real-time. Go back to the dark middle ages and found a new dynasty. Take care of yourself, because your opponents never sleep. Marry a beautiful wife and make new friends; control your life. Hand down your skills and your descendants will greatly appreciate it. – 4 different character classes with specific abilities and advantages, from honest craftsman to fierce rogue. – 10 different professions, including alchemist, smith, and rogue. – Unique mixture of role playing, strategy, and economic elements. The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas Europe, 1400 A.D. – The last crusade, which started 6 years before, ended in a horrible defeat when the crusaders failed to conquer Nikopolis before being reached by the armies of Osmans and Serbs. The dream of conquering Jerusalem is forgotten, and European authorities are well aware that over the coming centuries, they will be submerged into defending themselves against the Osman forces, which have several outposts in Eastern Europe. The Roman Catholic church is in a state of devastating dispute and intrigue, and uprisings are clearly just around the corner. The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas is a stand-alone expansion that transforms the game into an even greater experience by adding a huge area including the cities of “The Hanse” located at the shores of the European seas. Sea battles and naval trading are added to the gameplay, and a new campaign mode provides more than 10 hours of additional fun. – Added maritime trade and naval battles gameplay. – New campaing mode – you start as a poor fisherman and work your way up to a rich patrician of the Hanse while discovering a mysterious family-secret. – 3 new charges, 3 new peerages, several new goods and artifacts, 3 new maps, new buildings and more! The Guild 2: Renaissance For centuries Europe has been dominated by the church and nobility. On the shoulders of ordinary people the servants of god and the noble families justified their power and wealth. This was the incontrovertible, divine world order. A truly dark era… In the 14th Century the world order is beginning to transform itself. Due to trade and commerce an increasing middle class obtains more and more power and wealth. Entire towns purchase their freedom and more privileges from the nobility. Reading and writing is no longer the domain of the nobility and the clergy and the invention of printing information may eventually be spread everywhere. This is the beginning of the Renaissance… – Eight completely new professions: mercenary, grave digger, stonemason, juggler, innkeeper, banker, miller and the fruit grower. – New goods, buildings, ambient details and effects. – All new scenarios (“Transylvania”, “The Rhineland” and “The Alps”) & bigger world maps. – Improved AI, title and nobility system as well as new options (e.g. “God Measures”, levels of difficulty)
Video/s from the Game:
The Guild 2 Complete (c) 4HEAD Studios / THQ Nordic GmbH Europe, 1400 A.D. – The last crusade, which started 6 years before, ended in a horrible defeat when the crusaders failed to conquer Nikopolis before being reached by the armies of Osmans and Serbs. The dream of conquering Jerusalem is forgotten, and European authorities are well aware that over the coming centuries, they will be submerged into defending themselves against the Osman forces, which have several outposts in Eastern Europe. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/the_guild_2 https://www.gog.com/game/the_guild_2_pirates_of_the_european_seas https://www.gog.com/game/the_guild_2_renaissance How to Easily Download & Install
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Size: 4.86 GB The Guild 2 Complete (GOG)