Title: STRAFE: Gold Edition Genre(s): Shooter – FPP – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player – overlay Released: May 9, 2017 Company: Pixel Titans / Devolver Digital
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS FACE MELTING SPEED! The blazing fast action will hit you like the blast wave of a 50 megaton thermonuclear warhead, liquefying your skin cells and rupturing your internal organs. Yet still leave you coming back for more. PERMANENT DAMAGE AND GIBS! ÜBER-GORE® technology means enemies explode with near never-ending fountains of blood, which never fades away. Create wicked works of death art that mark your explored territory from the unventured. ENDLESS CHANGING LEVELS! Randomly generated levels are always different and violently unpredictable. Rooms, enemies, power ups, monster closets, and secrets move around every time you die and die and die and die! STRAFE® ALSO INCLUDES: – Four unique zones (four levels each) that demand different death-defying gameplay styles – Gun upgrades that turn your average tool of death into an outright Holocaust machine – 30+ insane weapons and 20+ blood-thirsty enemies – The sickest soundtrack of 1996 and at least the next 25 years – Lifelike digital gravity – Colored lighting! – STRAFE®! Recommended Requirements: Windows: 7 or later (64-bit) Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 (2 * 3600) or equivalent AMD FX-6350 (6 * 3900) or equivalent Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 (1024 MB) AMD Radeon R7 260X (2048 MB) Storage: 3 GB available space Additional Notes: Gameplay experience around 60 FPS on average when using the Mid-high settings
Video/s from the Game:
STRAFE (c) Pixel Titans / Devolver Digital STRAFE® is the fastest, bloodiest, deadliest, most adjective-abusing, action-packed first-person shooter of 1996. Featuring breathtaking photorealistic graphics and persistent gore that allows you to paint levels red with the excessive entrails of your enemies. As a Scraper on a impossibly dangerous mission at the edge of the galaxy, you only have one life to navigate all the nightmarish terrains of STRAFE®. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/strafe How to Easily Download & Install STRAFE: Gold Edition
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Size: 1.2 GB STRAFE: Gold Edition v1.4 [GOG] Size: 801.5 MB STRAFE v1.0_(11871) (GOG)