Title: Riddle Joker + Unrated DLC Genre: Adventure – Visual Novel – Narrative Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: December 18, 2020 Company: Yuzusoft / NekoNyan Ltd., HIKARI FIELD
About This Game
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Arihara Satoru is an ordinary person living in this futuristic world. Under this disguise, however, he is a secret agent working for an organization that uses Astrals. One day he gets a new order: Disguise yourself as a student and infiltrate a famous astral academy. After successfully transferring to the academy with his sister Arihara Nanami, he settles into his new life there and makes new friends such as his classmates Mitsukasa Ayase and Nijouin Hazuki and his high school student Shikibe Mayu. Until Mitsukasa Ayase discovers his true identity through an unfortunate accident! And in this situation, he also learns that she has her own big secret…
Video/s from the Game:
Riddle Joker (c) Yuzusoft / NekoNyan Ltd., HIKARI FIELD For decades, superpowers and psychic abilities were thought to be mere science fiction, but the discovery of a certain particle called the “Astron” at the end of the 20th century proved to the world that these wondrous phenomena were real. Nowadays, these abilities have been dubbed “astral abilities,” with those who can wield them being knows as “Astrals.” More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/riddle_joker How to Easily Download & Install
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Size: 8.52 GiB Riddle Joker + Unrated DLC [GOG]