Title: Liberated Genre(s): Adventure – Action – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: July 30, 2020 Company: Atomic Wolf, L.INC / Walkabout
About This Game
Additional Information
FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS The award-winning, visionary new take on digital comics Liberated is an action-adventure game that unfolds across the pages of a comic book. Seamlessly merging the art of hand-drawn graphic novels with interactivity and side-scrolling action, it’s a revolutionary combination of video games and comics. Freedom is a matter of perspective In this near-future dystopia, the eerily familiar always-online society gives way to complete government control—all in the name of safety. But in the midst of it all, an insurgent group known as “Liberated” rises.What is Liberated? Side-scrolling action Intense adventure brimming with gunfights, stealth, puzzles and platforming action. Cyberpunk Near-future Social networks, facial recognition, fake news, citizen credit systems. A familiar world in which technology empowers control over the people. Order & Revolution A story of authoritarianism—how it is born in a democracy and consumes it. Liberated men and women rise against the new world order, but at what cost? Multiple Perspectives A dramatic story told through unique points of view. Play as individuals locked in a clash of ideals. This is not a simple tale of good versus evil, you must witness what transpires from many points of view to parse the truth.
Video/s from the Game:
Liberated (c) Atomic Wolf, L.INC / Walkabout Enter an action-adventure game inside a living, hand-drawn comic book. Uncover an alarmingly current cyberpunk reality where human rights are dying away. Take up arms and solve puzzles in a noir rain-soaked city that’s desperate for justice. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/liberated How to Easily Download & Install Liberated
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Size: 1.69 GB Liberated v1.16 [GOG] Size: 1.69 GB Liberated (1.2) [GOG]