Title: Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass Genre(s): Adventure – Point-and-click – Modern Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: January 7, 2013 Company: Cardboard Computer / Cardboard Computer

About This Game

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS The game, developed by Cardboard Computer, features Ben Babbit’s original music, along with a selection of old hymns and bluegrass music performed by The Bedquilt Ramblers. Features: – Acts I, II, III and IV are now available, and the rest will be released as soon as it is finished. – The emphasis is on the character’s image, atmosphere and storytelling, and not on ingenious puzzles or difficult tasks. – Unique artistic interpretation based on theatrical design. – A catchy melody and background sounds will accompany you on a journey along the Kentucky roads. – Three additional interludes that expand and clarify the twists and turns of the main narrative: Here and There Along the Echo, Limits & Demonstrations, The Entertainment.

Video/s from the Game:

Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass (c) Cardboard Computer Conway, a truck driver at an antique store, stops at a gas station in the shape of a horse’s head. He can not find the delivery address and asks the blind owner of the gas station to suggest a way. It soon becomes clear that Conway needs to go to the Zero track, which is not marked on any map of the world … More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/kentucky_route_zero_season_pass How to Easily Download & Install Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass

Download Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass Here⇩

(Note: You’ll be redirected to the latest version of PC Edition of the game.) Kentucky Route Zero: PC Edition (GOG) Size: 1.49 GB Kentucky Route Zero -Acts I — IV- (GOG)

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