Title: Deadly Dozen Genre(s): Shooter – Action – Historical Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: October 31, 2001 Company: N-Fusion Interactive / Ziggurat Interactive

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Deadly Dozen (c) N-Fusion Interactive / Ziggurat Interactive Infiltrate German occupied territory with your squad of military misfits. Destroy, steal, and kidnap your way out. Sweaty palms and sniper rifles h2 six war-torn countries. Survive the tension and intrigue of a movie-quality WWII classic on your computer. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/deadly_dozen How to Easily Download & Install Deadly Dozen

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Size: 531.3 MB Deadly Dozen v1.04 AMD RDNA fix [GOG] Size: 529.9 MB – v1.04 [GOG]

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