Title: Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Genre(s): Strategy – Turn-based – Historical Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: November 28, 2003 Company: Battlefront / Battlefront
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Play stand alone battles, connected battles, or “Quick Battles” created on-the-fly. The full featured Editor allows you to create your own battles. A large amount of community generated battles and Mods are available for free download. In addition to the very challenging single player mode, two people can play on one computer, TCP/IP network connection, or via PBEM. Apply common sense and intuition and don’t expect “gamey” tactics to work – no matter how successful they were in other games. You will be forced to plan ahead, use timing, suppression fire, feints and flanking attacks to survive, let alone to win. When planning your moves, think about what would work in the real world, not what would work in other games.
Combat Mission: Afrika Korps (c) Battlefront / Battlefront Combat Mission Afrika Korps (CMAK) is the third and final game in the first version of the ground breaking Combat Mission game series. It simulates battles in the Mediterranean theater of operations, including North Africa, Italy and Crete, between 1940 and 1945. From the sweeping deserts of Libya to the mountainous Gothic Line in Northern Italy to the islands of Crete and Sicily, CMAK allows you to recreate some of the most fierce ground battles of World War Two. Combat Mission: Afrika Korps allows the player to lead the soldiers of ten nationalities including the USA, Germany, Italy, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Poland, and France into battle, using historical Tables of Equipment and Organization (TO&E), surroundings, and combat results. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/combat_mission_afrika_korps How to Easily Download & Install Combat Mission: Afrika Korps
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Size: 978 MB Combat Mission: Afrika Korps 1.03(a) [GOG]