Title: Airships: Conquer the Skies Genre(s): Strategy – Building – Fighting Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: February 25, 2015 Company: David Stark / David Stark
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS The vehicles are highly detailed, teeming with sailors moving around performing their individual tasks to stay in the fight. Your choices of vehicle layouts are crucial, exploring the design space of different crafts and their matching tactics to make sure your fleet emerges victorious. • BATTLE Once your vehicles are ready for the fight, you’ll give high-level commands to your small fleet, swooping, soaring, ramming and boarding others to gain the upper hand in battle. Ships and terrain are fully destructible: they can catch fire, explode, break apart, and fall, so you’ll need to choose your tactics wisely. • HUNT Face off against giant aerial kraken, fleshcracker mechs, huge venomous spiders, clockwork wasps, and more. Defeat them and reap the rewards. • CONQUER Play across three distinctly different modes: taking on (or creating your own) bespoke Missions; building a mighty empire in Conquest, or destroying your friends in Multiplayer matches online or via LAN.
Video/s from the Game:
Airships: Conquer the Skies (c) David Stark Create pixel ships in steampunk style from modules and conquer the skies! In the game, the ships are visible from the side, and each of their modules is controlled by a specific member of the team. During the battle, players command a small fleet, arrange their ships, ram others and board them. Ships and terrain are completely destructible: they burn, explode, fall apart and fall. Players can fight each other both online and over a local network. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/airships_conquer_the_skies How to Easily Download & Install
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Size: 441 MiB Airships: Conquer the Skies ( [GOG] Size: 441 MiB Airships: Conquer the Skies v1.1 [GOG] Size: 440 MiB Airships: Conquer the Skies v1.1.0.2 [GOG] Size: 441 MiB Airships: Conquer the Skies v1.1.0.4 [GOG] Size: 442 MiB Airships: Conquer the Skies ( [GOG]